20 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hello! Great job on the podcast, girls! I love it. I vaguely remember a call from one or both of you for questions for an upcoming podcast. So here’s my question(s). I’d like to know about your relationships with your mothers (I find mother-adult daughter relationships fascinating). I’m pretty sure you both live near your mothers, so I’m curious about how that works too (how often do you see each other, how much “baby-sitting” is there, etc.). I live 1000s of miles from my mom, so I always wonder what it would be like to live close to her. Haley, I’m a Catholic convert too (16 years!), so I’m curious about your family responded to your decision. Christy, how rural are you? How isolating is it. I should add that I have only been a reader of your blogs for about a year and haven’t had a chance to read your archives. Maybe you’ve covered these topics earlier? Thanks!

    1. Those are really great questions Leigh! I think at least some of those should make the upcoming episode! And I’m not sure that we’ve really covered any of them to much degree on the blogs so these will be great! Thanks so much for listening, we love that you listen. 🙂

  2. Hi ladies!

    I love love love your podcast and I’m wondering when there will be new episodes? It’s been a few weeks and I miss listening to your voices!

    Hope all is well.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathryn! We’re planning to have new episodes up before the new year. I was having trouble keeping up with life after our move while dealing with some difficult health issues so taking a little break until after Thanksgiving. Thanks for checking in! You’re so sweet!

  3. Hello Christy and Haley, I am a 52 year old wife and mother of 5 children 22 – 10. I love landlines and visiting in person, what I am most familiar with! However, my children and the way the world communicates is dragging me into the age of technology and getting information and support from podcasts and blogs etc. I will be asking my 15 year old daughter to assist me in getting your podcast on my phone! Prayers for both of you and the work you do to lift marriage and family above the culture that wants to destroy both! I am grateful for knowing Jennifer Uebbing, who works with my husband and finding your podcasts because I was trying to locate her blog!! Have a blessed day!

  4. Haley and Christy I love your podcast! Its so wonderful to feel like I have solidarity with other Catholic mothers. I work full time (Husband is a SAHD), and have very little time to connect with other mothers. My commute to and from work has now become a time that I look forward to. Keep up the great work ladies!

    As an aside, I was wondering whether you had any suggestions of podcasts for children? Or is it better to start them on audio books? (I have 3 girls – 3 months, 2 and 4)

    Thank you for all that you do!

    1. Aw, thanks, Anna! I have one suggestion. Stories podcast is retellings of classic fairy tales and original tales. It’s great!

  5. Thank you for the laundry segment with Lisa Hendey! I was totally folding laundry while listening to that podcast! Thank you for your website, I’ve recently come across it. Keep up the spiritual work ladies!

  6. Hi ladies,

    I was just gifted with a google home device so I can listen to my podcasts while I nurse (first baby so it feels like it’s all i do). I love your podcast but can’t find it on google music and therefore can’t play it hands free off of my google home. Is there any way you guys can get on google music so I can subscribe through there?

    Thanks! Love the podcast!

  7. Hello!

    I just recently discovered your podcast and find it extremely helpful as my husband and I try to navigate parenthood amidst our Catholic Faith and living it out as we are called to by God. I especially feel so normalized in motherhood and how difficult it is! I stumbled upon the Getting Past Perfect episode and plan to purchase the book.

    I am writing to you as well to see if you’ve ever done a Podcast on L’Arche?! Or if you have heard of L’Arche?! I am the Pastoral Minister of L’Arche Boston North, a community of faith that walks in mutual relationship with people who have developmental disabilities. We have 150 communities in 40 countries and were founded by Jean Vanier over 50 years ago. Henri Nouwen made L’Arche known in his writings as he served at Daybreak in Canada. I would love to see if there is a way we can chat about Living L’Arche, motherhood, and following God’s multiple vocational calls. I could go on about our community, but would love to connect in some way. While I don’t know how much I have to offer, I know how meaningful it has been for me to hear other mothers talk about their Faith and how they live it out with a family. It’s been a very challenging balance for me to live the lifestyle that my family does; however, the joy I find in it is beyond something I could have planned! I hope to hear from you!

  8. Hi ladies,
    I’ve recently stumbled upon your podcast and for the most part always come away with great ideas and inspiration for my faith. I struggle though, because my husband is a cradle
    Catholic that has basically abandoned the faith. It is hard to feel like there’s no support out there, or podcast topics for catholic women trying to raise their kids without tons of support from the Dad. It is a very lonely place to be, and I have to imagine that I’m not the only one who is on a different page (or maybe in a different book!) than my spouse when it comes to faith. I would love it if you could do a podcast about this issue with a guest who could offer advice or resources for those of us in this situation. Thanks for considering!

  9. Hello ladies,
    I’ve been thinking of introducing myself for a while now. I’m a 29 year old mum of 2 in New Zealand. My sister in law recently introduced me to your show and it’s actually been my first podcast experience. And an introduction into the world of Catholic Mum blogs at the same time. I’ve listened to nearly all of your podcasts now while breastfeeding my second child, so I feel I know you now! I think bubs knows your voices as well as I do!
    I have a topic request. I see catholic mommas on instagram etc talking about doing yoga. We moms that follow them tend to take inspiration from what they do. But this is something I’m so unsure about and would love to hear this discussed: should we be doing yoga or not? I’m sure it’s something many women want to know! Thanks so much , Ruth xx

  10. Hi guys – love your podcast! A number of episodes ago, you had a sponsor who was an NFP coach who specialized in postpartum- and for whatever reason I can’t find her info. Could you post her information? Thank you!

  11. Hi ladies!
    I love the content of your podcast and the fabulous authors you interview. If I might offer one piece of creative criticism…. From someone who has done some public speaking and teaching. Try not to say “like” as often. If you listen to the most successful podcasts they have “npr voice” mastered. This would take your podcast from a 7 to a 10 for me. Thank you for inspiring so many of us with your podcast and blogs!

  12. Hello! My name is Melissa Fitzpatrick, I work for CatholicMom.com – a ministry of Holy Cross Family Ministries. I’ve recently been listening to your podcast and know that our audiences overlap.
    If you’re not familiar with CatholicMom.com, we’re a community of women supporting each other in faith and love in the vocations of marriage and motherhood. Danielle Bean and Lisa Hendey are powerhouse moms, wives, professionals, authors, and speakers. They have incredible insight and stories to share and if you’re interested, would be honored to be a guest on your podcast, Fountains of Carrots.
    Please let me know if we’d be able to pursue this opportunity and work together!

  13. Just listening to the final episode (tears!) and wanted to put my name on the future retreat list! I was so keen to go this year but had two teeny kids – in future, I would love to join. In the meantime, my doors are always open if you guys want to come back to England – my husband and I are both big fans (my husband is also very jealous of Daniel’s whisky-making career!) and would be DELIGHTED to host you at our home in Greenwich any time you want to come 🙂

    I’ve subscribed to the substacks and have followed you both on Instagram for ages – but wondered if you guys would also post some recommended podcasts for those of us who will desperately miss the distraction of FoC while folding laundry?? Would love to listen to what you listen to!

    …..and the big request – are you guys on goodreads?? Would love to follow you both as I don’t know what I’ll do without the book recommendations from FoC (though I do love Christy’s monthly BookStagram posts!)

    Wishing you both all the best and a very Merry Christmas!

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