FoC 059: What’s Working for Us Right Now – Organization and Prayer in the Everyday


It’s a Q&A episode! Every so often we gather questions from listeners in the Facebook group and answer them (between tangents, of course).

This particular episode we focused on the questions we got about organizing our lives and homes as well as what’s working for us spiritually. We cover everything from schedules to meal planning (or lack thereof) to our prayer lives. So grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!

Things we talked about:

The Buy Nothing Project


Laudate app

Blessed Is She journals

Catholic Woman’s Companion Planner

Haley post: How I’m Organizing My Life Right Now

Other Q&A episodes:

Episode 26: Fountains of Carrots Answer Your Questions

Episode 40: How Small Can We Go and Other Questions Answered

Episodes that answer other questions asked in the FB group:

How we find time to read: Episode 8.

How we deal with social media: Our interview with Kendra Tierney.

Next book club episode:

We’re reading L.M. Montgomery’s The Blue Castle for our next FoC book club episode so grab a copy so you can read along!

Come hang out with us!

You can listen to us on iTunes, and we’d love a quick rating or review. If you have an android device we’re also on Stitcher. And as always, you can find all links, show notes, upcoming guests, and listen to all episodes at Fountains of


5 thoughts on “FoC 059: What’s Working for Us Right Now – Organization and Prayer in the Everyday”

  1. Ladies, I was totally cracking up while listening to this episode because I just subscribed to Prep Dish, and at that moment I was actually prepping my meals for the week! Ha! Christy, you should try it. Anne Bogel of Modern Mrs. Darcy and the What Should I Read Next podcast has a 50% code for the premium Prep Dish subscription for her listeners. (It’s on one of the last couple of episodes.) Also, I have major Bullet Journal love, and I think it would change Haley’s life. 🙂 Ya’ll’s description of it was funny, but I was talking back to my phone while listening: “Try it! Try it! It’s so much more than ‘writing in a journal.'” This podcast was a lot of fun, and I love how self-depricating you two are about organization!

  2. It wouldn’t matter if someone handed me a menu and a shopping list, it all depends on what I FEEL like eating. I wish my friend’s OCD was contagious – you can seriously see the floor in her front coat closet!!! The thing is, she has such a laid back personality. I feel like a hamster on a wheel and yet I never accomplish a fraction of her tidiness. Lenten penance anyone?

  3. Oh my goodness, Christy!!! I just found you guys — so excited by the theme of this podcast– but this is the first episode I listened to and it was freaky how alike you and are… not only did it sound like I was listening to my own voice, inflections, way of interrupting (HA!), but I have literally said or thought everything you said about organizing, meal planning, bullet journaling, etc…. I made my husband listen to just a few minutes and his was kinda creeped out. LOLOL. Anyhow, I really want to know the rest of your “letters” since you didn’t say your type but that you’re a J. I’ve tested a few times as ENTP, but could be totally wrong. If you haven’t looked at the cognitive functions, but have just tested MBTI, I’m curious… cause you sound pretty strong on Extraverted Intuition to me. Otherwise, I’m going to seriously question my own typing!! Oh, also, I have five kids, homeschool, and am from central California (you sound suspiciously local -not Canadian!).

    Anyhow, I enjoyed your podcast and am looking forward to listening to more (for the content, not to hear myself talk! 😉 ).

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